Senior December 2023

International Mens Day

The boys and girls at Foxcombe House, TSI, started their rowing challenge of 60km, on International Men’s Day. On...

Lunchtime Recital

On Friday 10th November, a group of the school’s most accomplished performers gave a lunchtime recital to a large...

Community Profiles

Have you seen our community profiles? Visit the website to read about just some of our inspiring alumni and...

Christmas Tree Decorating

During their evenings in the boarding house, Taunton School International students applied the finishing touches to the wonderful decorations...

Business and Networking Panel

Date: 4:30pm, Friday 19th April 2024Venue: RAF Club,128 Piccadilly, London W1J 7PY Please save the date for our business...

Pistol Shooting Regionals

A group of students from years 6 to 13 attended the regional school’s pistol shooting competition last Friday. It...

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