Prep December 2023

Community Profiles

Have you seen our community profiles? Visit the website to read about just some of our inspiring alumni and...

Business and Networking Panel

Date: 4:30pm, Friday 19th April 2024Venue: RAF Club,128 Piccadilly, London W1J 7PY Please save the date for our business...

Christmas Festivities

A huge thank you to our wonderful Year 8 student leaders who kick-started festivities at TPS by hosting a...

Bake with Rome

Year 8 pupils studying Henry VIII’s break with Rome, have completed a prep project where they designed a themed...

Contenders Speeches

Year 7 historians have been looking at the four contenders for the throne in 1066 in Britain and composing...

Pistol Shooting Regionals

A group of students from years 6 to 13 attended the regional school’s pistol shooting competition last Friday. It...

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