Students at Taunton School recently came together for an unforgettable RAG (Raise and Giving) Week, guided by the remarkable leadership of Vivien Mico, to support charitable causes close to our hearts. Through a series of engaging events, our community showcased its dedication to philanthropy, raising an impressive total of £2789.

Events in RAG week included the Talent Show, Staff Sliming, Balloon Debate, Pajama Day and a movie night.

The funds raised during RAG Week will benefit deserving causes, including Mend The Gap, The Barnaby Webber Foundation, The Compass Wellbeing Centre, and Somerset Baby Bank. Through their generosity and commitment, our students have made a tangible difference in the lives of others, embodying the spirit of compassion and community.

As we reflect on the success of RAG Week, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Vivien Mico and all the students who contributed their time, energy, and resources to make this event a resounding triumph. Together, we have demonstrated the profound impact that collective action can have in creating positive change in our world.