Senior School students recently took part in a Philosothon Competition, and won three awards.

The Philosothon competition aims to create a ‘community of enquiry’ which demands questioning, reasoning, deliberation and the challenging of preconceived ideas. Philosothons differ from debating competitions in that one of the main criteria of success is collaboration with peers. Participants are encouraged not to simply ‘score points’ by using multiple rhetorical devices in an attempt to ‘win at any cost’, but to engage together to examine difficult philosophical or ethical concepts.

Across the four rounds of enquiry, students examined the nature and purpose of philosophy, animal and environmental ethics, the refugee crisis, nation-states and globalisation, and finally, whether we should seek to achieve justice within society through equality of outcome or opportunity.

Our students spoke eruditely about these complex issues, displaying the capacity to identify and tackle perplexing problems, to critique ideas impersonally, and a genuine willingness to listen with an open mind to the ideas of others.

Daisy was awarded ‘Best Philosopher’ for the junior category (years 9-11), Jas was awarded ‘Best Philosopher’ for the senior category (years 12-13) and the team won the overall award (and coveted trophy!) for Best School, an amazing feat. Well done to everyone that took part.