Red Nose Day
On Friday 17th March, students enjoyed a fantastic charity day to raise money for Comic Relief.
The prep school was filled with a sea of red mufti and the children enjoyed the cake sale at break time. There was a very energetic ‘Heads & Tails’ competition in the playground and the children donated silver coins to create a beautiful silver trail around one of the new flower beds in the Heart of the School.
Students at Taunton School’s International Middle School raised money by wearing their own clothes, Mrs Woodall’s tutor group held a cake sale during the first break and all the students took selfies showing off their red noses!
As a result of everyone’s donations, TSIMS alone raised a total of £141.48, and Pre0Pre raised over £500 for the Comic Relief charity which acts to alleviate the pressures that poverty brings and tackle the injustice that keeps people in poverty.