If I have learnt one thing from my first term and a half at Taunton School, it is that there is never quiet week. Whether it is swimming and messy play in Nursery, a trip to Cadbury World in Year 2, Forest School for Reception or birdwatching in Year 1, something exciting is always happening.

This leads me to my favourite times of day. Standing at the door in the morning and seeing our children come to school happy and keen to get going with their day brings an incredible sense of how important what we do really is. This is of course closely followed by lunchtime, not for the incredible offering of food, but for the opportunity to sit with the children and hear about what has inspired them at home or at school that week.

In our assemblies this term, we have focused on how we can embody our Pre-prep values, ‘Be kind. Be keen.’  The children have come up with some wonderful ideas and have shown an excellent understanding of how the choices they make in small moments can have an incredible impact on the wider school community.  

I wonder if they can tell you about their understanding of the difference they can make not only to one other person but to our school as a whole.