For the last two weekends 13 students from Taunton School Long Distance Swimming Club have braved the early Sunday morning mist and occasional rain to travel to Wiveliscombe Outdoor Pool for water acclimatisation, as part of their ongoing training for their English Channel swim in August, which we are thrilled to announce the return of for 2024.

Led by their new Headmaster, Mr Burnett, and coach, Mr McCarthy, and nurtured by previous Channel Titans drawn from the Senior School, the children are hoping to raise £5000 for The Barnaby Webber Trust.

Mr McCarthy stated that he had seen many adults unable to match their fortitude in the cold pool where he is a volunteer lifeguard and trustee. Luckily at the end of the training session, hot chocolates, cake and coffees fortified all and made it all worthwhile.

Training continues next week in the school’s pool and throughout the Easter holidays at Wivey Pool before attempting their first sea training of the new sea swimming season. Nothing great is easy apart from when you properly prepare and these brave youngsters are well on their way!

The 2024 cohort of Channel swimmers make up 61 Taunton School students and Old Tauntonians who over the past 9 years have successfully completed the same challenge.