Following our Wellbeing Survey last term, this term, all pupils in Y3-8 completed an anonymous survey, asking them how safe they feel in school and focussing on the language and behaviours they experience at school. 94% of pupils feel safe at school and we will look closely at the responses of those 6% who don’t as we clearly want all of our pupils to feel safe. Some reasons given were; fear of getting lost or being jostled,  friends talking about them behind their back etc…and we will work hard to rectify this. 

We also asked them if there were any areas in school which worry them. Pastoral Heads of Year and myself then analysed the results and fed these back to tutors, with points to discuss with pupils. Mr Swires, Mrs Adcock and myself, also spoke to Y7 and 8 in Enrichment, to make them aware of comments from their year group about friendships etc… We also discussed the results with the Heads of School and House and Boarding Captains in Year 8.

Following some concerns in Y6 about kindness and friendship , Mrs Day and the Y8 Playground Ambassadors, spent time with each form group, talking about being an active voice and not a bystander and speaking up and out when something is not right.

It is vital that pupils feel listened to and that they know that we take pupil voice seriously and act on points raised and aim to achieve the most positive outcomes for all.